Microsoft On Campus
Imperial DoCSoc,  11 October 2012

As part of Microsoft recruitment days, MS engineers from Ireland and Estonia shared their insights on what it’s like to work at Microsoft.

Mike Buehlman who is the main go-to Microsoft HR person for Europe started the talks. He described what kind of positions are available at Microsoft, the interviewing process and location where Microsoft is hiring.

Our next speaker was talking about UI changes in Office and why it is cool to work in Microsoft. But main part was Andres lecture about his work Skype.

Andres gave a talk about challenges of creating Skype mobile application, insights about Skype’s internal architecture, protocol, technical changes that have been made after Microsoft acquisitions and Skype’s future plans.

Skype is really rare guest on our campus so most of the after lecture questions were related to Skype

One funny note: This talk took place after Skype account hijacking vulnerability and of course, Q&A session wouldn’t have been complete without questions about that :)

P.S. Few photos from Technology Industry Fair later that day